+61 2 4268 0070 info@3daccounting.com.au
Problems receiving your paper BAS or IAS?

Problems receiving your paper BAS or IAS?

During 2014 the ATO stopped mailing out paper copies of BAS and IAS forms to taxpayers once they lodged just one form electronically. If we have lodged your BAS or IAS for you recently, or we have done an amended BAS whilst doing your year end accounts, or you ask us...
Congratulations Tahlia

Congratulations Tahlia

I would like to congratulate Tahlia, our Office Manager, on completing her Diploma of Management. Both the firm and its client’s appreciate the new skills and support capabilities that she brings to the team.
3D Accounting Office Closing over Christmas Break

3D Accounting Office Closing over Christmas Break

Just letting you know our office will be closing for the Christmas break from Wednesday 24, December 2014 and will re-open Thursday 8, January 2015. Thank you for working with us this year and we hope you get the chance to take some time off, relax and spend time with...
ATO Seriously Targeting the Cash Economy

ATO Seriously Targeting the Cash Economy

ATO Assistant Commissioner Michael Hardy has recently given tax agents some insights on the ATO’s strategy on the cash economy, particularly in light of recent ‘door to door’ visits in the Haymarket area of Sydney (Yes, they rocked up at businesses...
Taxable Payments Report can be lodged electronically

Taxable Payments Report can be lodged electronically

For those clients in the building and construction industry who have to lodge a Taxable Payments Report with the ATO, if you have MYOB version AccountRight 2013.1 or later you can now lodge this report electronically. You need to ensure that the sub-contractor has a...
Lodge Your EMDUPE File Electronically!

Lodge Your EMDUPE File Electronically!

The ATO has recently changed its methods of lodging EMDUPE files. Unlike previous years, you can no longer lodge these files on a disc, they must now be lodged electronically. You may have received a letter from the ATO explaining this and how to lodge you EMDUPE file...