by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
I often quote approx. Workers Comp Rates to clients and use approx. rates in my planning calculations and it got me thinking – what is the REAL rate? Is there somewhere I can find what the rate should be? … and is there somewhere where I might be able to see...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
We continually strive to improve the range and quality of our services to clients and we are excited to announce that we have formed an Alliance Partnership with Numeric Eight who are a substantial, reputable bookkeeping firm. Numeric Eight can assist you with some or...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
There is a sweeping change to bookkeeping that hasn’t been seen since the introduction of the GST 12 years ago. If you are not using a cloud accounting system with automatic bank feeding data within the next 12 months you will be behind the curve and will be...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
It makes sense to regularly review your home and investment loans to ensure that they are appropriate for your current situation and are providing the most competitive interest rate. Financial circumstances change over time and new products become available, so it is...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
As announced by the ATO last year, businesses in the building and construction industry will be required to report to the ATO the total payments they have made to each contractor for all building and construction services provided, which is to start this financial...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
When you use a business car for private use, one that isn’t a commercial vehicle i.e. ute/van/truck, then there is always a need to calculate and report Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). Under new rules that came in last year, to calculate the amount of Fringe...