by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
From 3D Planners: We have recently been notified that Woolworths will be issuing a retail “hybrid” preference shares much like those many of you have in the Commonwealth bank or the ANZ. These type of hybrid shares pay a fixed rate of interest and do not...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
This link is an excellent website calculator to get a basic tax calc for individuals: Obviously if you have deductions or rebates the tax calc will change. As always you can call me (or the office 02 4268 0070) if you need help doing the...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
Key Impacts: Individuals (from 1/7/12) -         Lowest tax free threshold increases to 18,200; and the Low Income Tax Offset decreases to $445 – thus the new tax free threshold is effectively approx 21K -         Medical offsets – changes for...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
The laws regarding director liability have tightened.  The new laws essentially mean directors will be personally liable for unpaid (or unlodged and unpaid) superannuation obligation or PAYG Withholding for employees that are more than 3 months overdue. Mostly of...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
I have recently taken up what I think is great value internet advertising. The deal is based on a 1 key word + 1 suburb listing and for $165 – you are guaranteed to be on the first page of a google search. You get substantial discounts for adding extra...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 7, 2016 | blog
It has always been said “your employee’s are your number one assetâ€. Without them, you are left to do all the work. Ernst & Young have just released the findings of a survey into worker productivity. In brief the survey found: 1 in 3 workers plan to leave...