by 3D Accounting | Feb 10, 2017 | blog
Are you with First Super or thinking about setting up an account with them? THINK AGAIN! We could not advise against this more if we tried! You might be able to transfer your super to them at the click of a button, but should you decide to withdraw it, the word...
by 3D Accounting | Feb 3, 2017 | blog
Just a reminder that due to the Christmas period everyone receives an extended lodgment and payment period for their December 2016 BAS. Regardless of whether we lodge your BAS for you or you lodge it yourself, you have until February 28, 2017 to lodge and pay. If you...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
On Wednesday 23 November 2016, both Houses of Parliament passed two superannuation bills which included the proposed superannuation reforms outlined in the 2016 Federal Budget and subsequent changes released in September 2016. The two bills, The Treasury Laws...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
After a short break out of the office, we’re now back on board feeling very refreshed and ready to sink our teeth into some work! If you have any queries you’ve been holding on to for the past few days feel free to shoot us an email or give us a call,...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
In case you’re trying to find us before we have our signage installed, we just wanted to let you know we’ve moved across the hall! You can now find us in the same building, on the same level, but just across the hall in Suite 10, looking much bigger and...
by 3D Accounting | Dec 8, 2016 | blog
If you’re thinking about, or are in the process of setting up your new MYOB file, please be aware that you need to enter the conversion month as the month PRIOR to the month you wish to start entering data. For example, if you want to start entering data for...