+61 2 4268 0070 info@3daccounting.com.au

Lodge Your EMDUPE File Electronically!

ato-business-portal1The ATO has recently changed its methods of lodging EMDUPE files. Unlike previous years, you can no longer lodge these files on a disc, they must now be lodged electronically.

You may have received a letter from the ATO explaining this and how to lodge you EMDUPE file now, but to simplify it even further for you we are more than happy to lodge all EMDUPE files on behalf of our clients.

Once you are ready to lodge, please email the file to us and we will lodge it for you. If you are not a client of ours simply follow the steps in the letter you received to lodge via the Business Portal or directly from your payroll software if you are using Standard Business Reporting (SBR) enabled software. If you did not receive this letter, please follow this link https://www.ato.gov.au/Business/PAYG-withholding/In-detail/Reporting-and… for further information on how to lodge online.