+61 2 4268 0070 info@3daccounting.com.au
The ATO’s tough new approach to collecting debt

The ATO’s tough new approach to collecting debt

In the last 6 months we have seen a much tougher stance from the ATO regarding how they collect debts. Payment plans are hard to get and they are not refunding any interest charges (currently  11.15%) or late lodgement penalties.  There has also been a large...
Business and Super keys from Budget 2023

Business and Super keys from Budget 2023

Here are our key takeaways for business and superannuation from last night’s budget: 1. Current <150K asset write-off rules will cease on 30 June 2023. To claim assets under the current rules the asset must be installed/delivered and ready for use before 30...
Closing Saturday 24rd Dec – Sun 15th Jan

Closing Saturday 24rd Dec – Sun 15th Jan

As 2022 comes to an end, our office has decided to close for an extended holiday break. Our last day in the office will be Friday 23rd December, and we will return to the office on Monday 16th January 2023. If you have any urgent matters that need attending to, please...
Director ID Deadline – 30th November 2022

Director ID Deadline – 30th November 2022

The deadline to obtain your director ID for anyone who is a director of any company is 30th November 2022. We have previously sent two email alerts to clients about the processes involved to complete this task. For those who have not yet applied for their ID, please...