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Rent relief for Retail and Commercial leases

Rent relief for Retail and Commercial leases

The NSW government has brought in compulsory rent relief for tenants who have been affected by COVID. This is evidenced by the fact the tenant is eligible for NSW Covid grant or Job Saver.  Please see an attached link which provides further detail as well as a...
JobSaver explained

JobSaver explained

As of yesterday, you can now apply through Services NSW for JobSaver.  The eligibility criteria is the same as the NSW covid grant. Essentially the grant covers you for 26 June – 17 July and then JobSaver replaces that and applies for the 18 July onwards. ...
NSW COVID assistance for small businesses

NSW COVID assistance for small businesses

Here we go again. Such a pain for everyone. In some cases, it’s not just a pain but it’s financially catastrophic. Businesses in the hospitality, retail, hair & beauty, and arts sectors are particularly hard hit.  With the construction industry now...
Business Owners – Know your Numbers

Business Owners – Know your Numbers

So I’ll be direct and straight to the point here, to be successful and stay alive in this current environment, business owners must know the financial position and performance of their own business at all times. Just knowing your bank balance is not sufficient. You...